
Ethical Code

The Ethical Code is the fundamental charter of moral rights and duties that defines the ethical and social responsibility of every person working at and for VDS Rail.

VDS Rail, through the Ethical Code, aims at:

  • defining and divulging the values and the ethical principles that govern the company business and the relations with the Stakeholders;
  • finalizing the commitment to behave in consistency with ethical principles such as moral legitimacy, fairness and equality, protection of the individuals, diligence, transparency, honesty, confidentiality and impartiality;
  • informing the Stakeholders about the codes of conduct, values and responsibilities that require timely compliance as far as the relations with the Company are concerned.

VDS Rail strives to spread this Ethical Code and to oversight its observance, providing adequate information, prevention and control tools to ensure, in any case, the transparency of the operations and behaviors, intervening, if necessary, with corrective actions.

Mission and Vision

VDS Rail is a Company that operates both domestically and internationally. Passion toward work, trust in people, importance of culture and education, focus on scientific research, clear and truthful communication are the guidelines the Company was founded on.

The Company’s goal (MISSION) is to provide advanced, high-quality products and services for train communication networks to meet the needs of the community and the markets where it operates (Stakeholders).

VDS Rail's philosophy (VISION) is based on a sustainable business in terms of economic, social, and environmental development. 

 This implies being competitive, innovative and creating value, not only through production efficiency, but also through Stakeholders' satisfaction as a result of constant development of new processes, social commitment, ethical respect and protection of the environment and territory.

Good reputation is an intangible but essential asset for the Company. It fosters social approval, attraction of the best human resources and Stakeholders reward.

This Ethical Code is therefore guided by an ideal of protecting the mutual respect and benefit of the parties involved.